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Who can benefit?
Business Model
SMART VORTEX allows generating new revenue streams based on functional products or “servitisation” models. Data Stream Management can support business oriented models, if and when availability, speed, transport volume or other physical parameters are subject to contractual relationship with the client.
Furthermore, supporting design and engineering for dimensioning systems and optimization of simulation models triggers early warning alarms, increases quality of products/services and grounds in companies’ cost-cutting strategies.
Who can benefit?
Heads and technical staff from IT, manufacturing, production, supply chain, R&D, logistics, operations, procurement and engineering areas, that:
- Handle and analyse: tractable product data streams generatedfrom equipmentand sensors, simulation and testing data, design data, collaboration data and/or data from higher level inferred events.
- Manage streams that can reach Gigabytes per second data rates.
- Directly address the demand of companies involved in the management and processing of big and complex data bundles.