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Weightless standard for M2M

Weightless is the wireless wide area global common set of standards for machine to machine short to mid-range communications as well as the Special Interest Group (SIG) created to support it.Weightless is provided as a royalty-free open standard technology that has been optimised to address key requirements for sustainable M2M communications; which is not possible with traditional legacy cellular based technologies.From looking at Weightless, we can see two main advantages; it emphasizes on providing a dedicated communication for M2M to avoid burdening cellular or other wireless networks used for human communications, with no practical limits on the number of objects that can be connected to the network; and also Weightless enables M2M systems featuring a chipset cost of less than USD$2, a range of up to 10km and a battery life of 10 years; andARM, Cable and Wireless Worldwide, CSR and Neul have been appointed to the Weightless Board and Special Interest Group (SIG)More information and source: